ANC 6B Draft Comments on DDOT’s Barney Circle-SE Boulevard Project

On Jan. 8, ANC 6B’s Transportation Committee discussed a draft of the commission’s formal comments to the District Department of Transportation on their proposed design concepts for the Barney Circle-Southeast Boulevard Project. Here is a link to the draft comments discussed at the meeting:

The committee recommended a number of clarifying changes to the comments including the addition of an opening sentence that conveys the commission’s  opposition to the design concepts presented to the community on Nov. 21, 2013. The committee also wanted to make it clear that other stakeholders besides DDOT need to be brought into the project discussion. ANC 6B will vote on the revised comments during next Tuesday’s (Jan. 14) full commission meeting (7 pm at the Hill Center).

Please post your feedback on the draft comments below. You can also share your thoughts with me during my office hours this Sunday, Jan. 12, 2 pm – 3 pm at Curbside Cafe (257 15th Street SE).

One Response to ANC 6B Draft Comments on DDOT’s Barney Circle-SE Boulevard Project

  1. dcgent says:

    Great stuff. From a purely practical standpoint, you should have a bullet point list of the key concerns before starting the Overview section (after “On January 14, 2014, at a properly noticed ANC6B meeting with a quorum
    14 present, the Commission voted xx xx xx to send this letter to DDOT stating its many concerns
    15 about the study to date and how it thinks the study ought to proceed.). Many may not wade through the whole letter so having that summary on first page may help.

    Only quibble–do we really want to contaminate the Reservation 13 issue with a new idea (the street car line). Seems like that could simply be used to delay any movement forward–hey, let’s do a new study of a street car line. Donahue still isn’t approved yet, i note, for the one parcel–that worries me,

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