Office of Planning Releases Southeast Boulevard Planning Study Final Report

The DC Office of Planning has released the final report of the Southeast Boulevard Planning Study. The full study and a variety of presentations can be accessed on the Office of Planning’s website:

As I’ve said before, the concepts presented in the final report are a vast improvement over the District Department of Transportation’s initial concepts for the Barney Circle-Southeast Boulevard project. The goal should be to connect the neighborhood to the waterfront and OP’s concepts accomplish this goal in slightly different ways.

DDOT is currently reviewing the OP concepts to determine their feasibility. Once this feasibility study is complete, the Barney Circle-Southeast Boulevard transportation study will resume.

Representatives from both OP and DDOT will provide an update on the Barney Circle-Southeast Boulevard project during ANC 6B’s July 8 Transportation Committee meeting, 7 pm at the Hill Center (921 Pennsylvania Ave SE).

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